
Several new lentil varieties have been released or are due to be released with changes in agronomic traits such as plant architecture, biomass production, reproductive duration and timing, disease resistance, herbicide tolerance and pod retention. Changes in sowing date have the potential to maximise the benefits of these traits from a crop production and farming system perspective. In particular, there is an interest in understanding the implications of later flowering with a reduced reproductive window, combined with lower vigour. In addition the 2 new GIA varieties Sire and Metro have unique growth habits that may require different planting densities to optimise grain yield.
This paddock was previously sown with wheat in 2021 and located in Warne with sandy clay loam.


To investigate the response of new lentil varieties and genotypes to sowing dates.


The following varieties were sown in whole blocks at the following two time of sowing dates:
3 May 2022 and 2 June 2022

PBA Hallmark XTPBA Highland XT
PBA Hurricane XTPBA Jumbo 2
PBA Kelpie XTCIPAL2121
CIPAL2122GIA Leader
GIA LightningGIA Thunder
GIA SireGIA Metro
Varieties sown at 3 May 2022 and 2 June 2022

The following varieties were sown at variable rates in plots

Lentil VarietySowing Rates (kg)
GIA Sire40, 80, 120, 160, 200
PBA Jumbo240, 80, 120, 160, 200
GIA Leader40, 80, 120, 160, 200
GIA Metro40, 80, 120, 160, 200
varieties x variable rates