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site attibute Pulse species comparison Key findings Trial details Faba bean disease management Key findings Trial details Results Chickpea disease management The trial was set up to evaluate different fungicide management strategies for two chickpea varieties with contrasting ascochyta blight resistance. PBA DrummondA is rated Very […]
Background The Caragabal site is characterised by a soil with a silty loam topsoil overlying clay at depth. The trials were sown into good seedbed moisture and a full moisture profile after a wet 2022 and good rains in March 2023. The season turned very dry […]
Site attributes Focus Pulse species and variety comparison Rainfall Pulse species and variety comparison Key findings Trial details The pulse species and variety comparison trial in 2023 was set up to:1. evaluate and compare the performance of major pulse crops (faba beans, field peas, lentils, lupins, […]
Rainfall Key findings •Lupin grain yield averaged 2.15 t/ha with the albus lupin MurringoA having the highest yield (2.51 t/ha). Peak biomass averaged 7.19 t/ha with no difference between varieties tested or +N treatment. As expected the albus lupins MurringoA and LuxorA produced the largest seeds […]
Site attributes BackgroundThe Ganmain pulse trial site followed a very late planted (30 July) wheat crop in 2022 which stayed green well into December. Although some soil moisture was retained from the very wet 2022, the paddock was drier than many other addocks in the area […]
Background The Mallee pulse site in 2023 was on Petro Station, approximately 60 km north east of Mildura. A rain of 20 mm fell on 15 April, the day after planting the mid April sowing (SD1), which resulted in excellent germination and establishment for all three […]
Site attributes Pulse species comparison Key findings