Wimmera 2022
Background In previous seasons disease incursion (ie. botrytis grey mould) in early sown vetch has been difficult to manage and a significant constraint to productivity and profitability. In chickpeas and bean, it has been observed previously that the spread of disease in standing stubble is slower […]
Background Early sowing (mid-April) of faba beans increases grain yield potential as well as the risk of disease and lodging. By contrast, postponing sowing date (late April or May) reduces these risks while also reducing grain yield potential.Earlier flowering breeding lines and/or higher plant densities with […]
Background In more recent cropping seasons several high wind events around the harvest period of lentil across southern Australia resulted in significant losses due to pod drop across a range of varieties. In preliminary trials at Curyo in 2019, significant variation was noted, with PBA HallmarkXT […]
Background A new lentil variety combining metribuzin tolerance with imidazolinone is available and could improve the control of broadleaf weeds in lentils. Combining the tolerance trait with new metribuzin usage practices could improve weed control options.The trial will be conducted in a location with known background […]
Background Several new lentil varieties have been released or are due to be released with changes in agronomic traits such as plant architecture, biomass production, reproductive duration and timing, disease resistance, herbicide tolerance and pod retention.Changes in sowing date have the potential to maximise the benefits […]